In August 2021, her doctor prescribed Wegovy, a weight loss medicine, which worked. She lost 15 pounds in six months.
In February, Bayandor's health insurer refused her coverage, forcing her to stop taking the prescription. A month later, she gained 15 pounds, then 10 more six months later.
It was kind of a mind f---," said Naperville resident Bayandor.
Wegovy helped Artemis Bayandor lose 15 pounds.Artemis Bayandor
Bayandor's experience is common: Due to widespread shortages of Wegovy, a popular weight loss product, several Americans have stopped using it and gained some or all of their weight back.
"Your hunger hormones are highest at max weight loss," she stated. If you lose 50 pounds and gain 25, your hunger is peak after losing 50. Even after regaining 25, your hunger is more than before losing weight."
The weight control program director at NYU Langone Health, Dr. Holly Lofton, stated that stopping the medicine may restore appetites. Some people's appetites may feel greater after losing weight, she noted.